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Premium Korea Ginseng Chicken Soup Base Samgyetang 70g Herbal Soup Pack Material

RM 12.90
Premium Korea Ginseng Chicken Soup Base Samgyetang 70g Herbal Soup Pack Material Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Premium Korea Ginseng Chicken Soup Base Samgyetang 70g 

【Muslim-friendly product】

【What is Korean Samgyetang?】

🔥 Perfect for making Samgyetang at home.
🔥 100% natural, high-quality herbal ingredients - all grown in Korea.
🔥 SamGyeTang is the healthiest way to cook chicken, because the calories of chicken are relatively low, making the soup clear, oil-free and fresh.
🔥 Ginseng - It’s used believed to help boost the immune system, stimulate physical and mental activity, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reduce stress.

【Health benefits of Samgyetang】
Ginseng, a well-known medicinal herb, provides nutrients, speeds up metabolism of the body, and helps restore energy. The spicy and warm garlic helps blood circulation and also detoxifies and sterilizes the body. Jujubes (red dates) neutralize poisons and strengthen the digestive system, again to help blood circulation, and also to help organs function. And then of course there’s the chicken, which warms the pancrease and stomach and strengthens the five major organs (heart, kidney, liver, lungs, and spleen). The glutinous rice inside the chicken strengthens the digestive system and provides energy during the hot and humid summer days. 

【How to cook?】

1) Wash the chicken (including the cavity) thoroughly under running cold water.
2) Pour the 2 liters water into a large pot and boil the water over medium high heat. Wash the SamGyeTang kit.
3) Place the stuffed chicken and SamGyeTang kit in the boiling water and boil with a lid.
4) Boil the chicken and SamGyeTang with medium heat until the scent out.
5) Then, reduce the heat to low and simmer with a lid for another 20 minutes. 6) Add fresh aromatic ingredients to the broth for better flavor : Scallions, Onions, Vegetables, Rice Cakes, etc.
7) Transfer contents to a hot stone serving bowl, heat it up just before serving so that it is hot and bubbly at the dinner table.  


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