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Japan Nagatanien Fried Rice Seasoning Furikake 3 Servings 日本製 永谷园 炒饭料 蟹肉炒饭 豚肉叉烧炒饭 一包3袋入 黄金炒饭 炒饭素

RM 7.00
Japan Nagatanien Fried Rice Seasoning Furikake 3 Servings 日本製 永谷园 炒饭料 蟹肉炒饭 豚肉叉烧炒饭 一包3袋入 黄金炒饭 炒饭素 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Japan Nagatanien Fried Rice Seasoning Furikake 3 Servings 日本製 永谷园 炒饭料 蟹肉炒饭 豚肉叉烧炒饭 一包3袋入 黄金炒饭 炒饭素

[Brand]: Nagatanien


-Roasted Pork 27g 

-Crab 20.4g 

3 servings per pack

[Made in Japan]

Make delicious fried rice in less than a few minutes with this Japanese Nagatanien Fried Rice Condiment Powder! You can also make vegetarian fried rice! 用上这款日本永谷园炒饭素,不到几分钟就能制作出美味炒饭!还可制作素炒饭喔! 

Do you often don't have a lot of time to make dinner, but want to grab a quick meal when you only have yesterday's leftovers rice at home? If you are often faced with such a situation, why not try this Fried Rice Condiment Powder from Nagatanien? It comes in a variety of flavors and is super easy to make, making delicious fried rice in just three minutes! 你是否经常没有很多时间去做晚餐,但又想要快速弄点美食,而家中却只剩下昨天的剩饭? 如果你常面对这样的状况,何不试试这款永谷园推出的炒饭素(チャーハンの素)? 它有着不同口味又超级容易制作,三分钟便能煮出美味的炒饭了! 

Nagatanien fried rice has a long history. It was first produced in 1987. It was a great success with the convenience of adding an extra egg to make delicious fried rice, and its popularity has continued to this day. 永谷园的炒饭素有着长远历史,在1987年初次生产,以只需要额外加入一颗鸡蛋便可制作出美味炒饭的方便作卖点而获得很大成功,人气维持至今。 

There are 3 small packets of seasoning in each pack, and each bag can make fried rice for one person. Since it is individually packaged, there is no need to worry about storage. The main ingredients of fried rice are soybeans and wheat, you can added shrimp, crab and other ingredients which are according to different tastes.  每盒炒饭素内有3小包味料,每袋可制作一人份量的炒饭。由于是独立包装,所以不用担心存放问题。炒饭素的主要材料是大豆和小麦,根据不同味道会加入虾、蟹等材料.

All you need to prepare is just oil (I believe everyone has it at home), eggs and rice. First heat the oil in a frying pan, then add the eggs and fry over medium heat. Then add the rice and fry for a minute. You can also add any vegetables, meat, etc. Lastly, add in the fried rice and mix well for half a minute. Deng Deng! Your fried rice is done! 由于炒饭素已能提供你所需的大部分材料,你要准备的只是油(相信每个人家中都有)、蛋和剩饭。 首先将油加入煎锅中加热,然后加入蛋以中火炒。之后加入饭炒一分钟。你也可以加入任何蔬菜、肉等材料。最后加入炒饭素花半分钟拌匀即可。登登!你的炒饭就此完成了!


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